
jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

The case of Plumbum_The mask, by Dr. César Erazo

ReactionA month after taking Plumbum metallicum 1 LM.
She presented a medical profile of cystitis after two years relatively without symptoms: Fever started and all the previous symptoms. I had to calm her down and reassure her we were on the way to the real healing.
The next month, a new bacterial culture of the urine finally gave negative for the bacteria.

Three days after the result of the exam, she slept 24 hours, she had another “dumb day”, but this time she did not get up, she slept through all day and night, and when she woke up on the next day, she opened her window’s curtains and suddenly all became full of light and like in a dream, she remembered that it was this same light the one she had seen when she was very small and then all her world had turned grey, as if someone had put on her some dark glasses when she was small and since that moment they had broken and finally she could see. She told me this while she smiled, finally, with a truthful smile: she had taken off the mask.

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