
jueves, 12 de mayo de 2011

Magnesium sulphuricum; a chameleon in love by Dr. César Erazo 4

Follow Up:

After Ignatia, the patient was able to identify her problem, apart from getting her out of her shock. Ignatia works as a catalytic converter and this is what I generally see when I prescribe it in situations of stress.

After the Magnesia sulfurica the change was even more solid. She was able to reach an agreement with her ex-boyfriend about the mortgage and she felt less pressed to look for another relationship.

She discovered that she needed to express out a forgotten passion that went back to when she was little and she started to take lessons in classic theatre. It was for her a revelation of her capacity to live other lives; characters like Oedipus or Antigone awakened in her the conscience the relationship with her father and Graphites is a remedy that I used in that moment (nails and skin already indicated it).

Graphites is coal that could had been a diamond (Didier Grandgeorge).

It is important to note that this patient goes through several phases of her energy, from the significance of the relationship (Sulphur), to the relationship with her father (Carbon) to the new opening, the creative area, the artist, the silver group, creativity.

I think this is related to an effect in homeopathic medicine which works as a catalytic converter, it is expressed in patients in what Scholten calls the levels of the seven series of the periodic table which correspond to what in the Hindu tradition are known as Chakras.  I intend to write about this theme in the near future in an article that I have headlined “The seven walls castle”, I intend to do it, if Yttrium allows me!

After two years, she continues with the theatre, “three times per week I am a chameleon, in each rehearsal each time I come up the stage, I get transformed and I represent a character that takes possession of me and I change and that is how I express my need of drama and transcendence”.

Homeopathy compares it with the Delphi Oracle. “These marvelous granules have revealed to me my own secrets, I do not know how it acts, but for certain they do”.
She has fallen in love once again, but “the victim ignores it yet”. She now feels the need to build a family, germinate and give life. “He, her new future couple does not yet know what waits for him”.
I must confess that in that moment I understood that the chameleon of love had given place to a Gaia disciple, "the mother earth”.

Fredy Cesar Erazo

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